Friday, February 29, 2008

Saving Money Through Bargain Shopping

Moms love to find great deals right? The frugal side of me is always pondering on how I can save the family money each month. If you sit down and see how much you spend on your phone bill, clothes, grocery bill and entertainment, the number may actually leave you with your mouth open. Make it your goal each month to find ways on how you can save in each of these categories.

If you have family long distance, your phone bill is probably reaching high numbers each month. The best way that I save our family each month is going with VOIP (Voice Over Internet Phone). You get unlimited long distance each month and all the bells and whistles that come with your regular landline phone. Most average prices for VOIP are around 25.00 each month. We cut our phone bill in half by just using VOIP each month.

Daily bargain lurking through sites is always high on my priorities when I am shopping for the kid’s clothes. I not only lurk on bargain shopping online stores, but I also love to window shop at the Tanger Outlets which are located throughout the United States. First and foremost, remember to buy the clothes off-season. For example, buy your winter clothes just as the spring and summer seasons are coming in. The clothes are always clearance at the end of the season. Most prices you will get at a steal such as 70% off regular prices. If the children are in dire need of specific clothing or are growing faster than anticipated, then use the online shopping sites to your advantage. Before you click the submit button on your purchase, do the two following things:

1) Go to Current Codes at to find the latest discount code for that specific store.
2) Visit to make sure there are no big specials going on at another store for that same item.

Make sure you sign up for newsletters or the company’s mailing advertisement, so you can be up to date each month on the big sales.

Grocery Bills can literally eat at our heart when the cashier gives us the total. What can you do to get the price down? Use Coupons, Coupons and more Coupons. Make a habit of getting the Sunday paper every week and cut out the coupons. Get a coupon organizer so you can separate the coupons into categories. This will make it easier when you are shopping and can just pull the coupon right out for the cashier. Also each week the grocery store ads will come in the mail, sit down and figure out with your coupons which store is having the better sale.

So we know how to save on necessities now, but what about family time? You do not have to make family time expensive each week. Set aside money for one weekend out of a month to do something special as a family. The rest of the weeks plan family time frugally. Some ideas that our family does is having special family nights such as game night, having a picnic night, movie night with pizza or just a good time spending the night acting like a child with my children. My husband and I get out in the yard and slide down the slide with the children, play a game of basketball or bring back the old fashion games such as the sack tater race. There are always laughs and smiles with all these different nights. Your child will also enjoy any of these nights just as much as if you spent 100.00 on a family outing.

If you really sit down and put your mind to thinking about each of your expenses, you can think of ways to save the family more money each month. Put the above tips to work in your household and watch your expense budget actually start shrinking. Happy Bargain Hunting!!

Best Prices At Bargain Clothes Shopping

Are you a clotheshorse? Do you like the idea of NOT having to pay full price for every piece of clothing in your closet? Are you the type of person who loves a bargain?

If you can answer affirmatively to any of the above questions you may find that bargain clothes shopping is very worthwhile. There are several ways to go about bargain clothes shopping.

Know the stores that are your favorites. Keep track of the prices and watch for sales. On top of these two things you need to be aware of any coupons that may be available. You can often find coupons for bargain clothes shopping in daily newspapers, special mailings and even online. If you are truly a bargain clothes shopper you will want to always be coupon-savvy.

Is it necessary that your entire wardrobe consist only of pieces you have obtained through bargain clothes shopping? Not at all. You can build a fantastic array of clothing by combining a few more expensive classic pieces with those found while bargain shopping.

You may want to begin with one or two items that you really love and build your wardrobe around those. Sometimes you will be able to find an amazing piece of clothing while bargain clothes shopping that is deeply discounted. Purchase it and then build around it. You may be able to come up with three or four excellent outfits that center around one really good piece of clothing.

Just because you are a bargain clothes shoppers does not mean you can not have a look that does not have the word “bargain” in it anywhere!